Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 13 Απριλίου 2018

«Ode to Love: Through the eyes of teens»

Introducing the eternal teen love story of Romeo& Juliet through a Webquest

Solve the puzzle and discuss what you know about the two characters and their love.
35 piece

In this lesson you are asked to create your own version regarding the story of Romeo & Juliet. So you have to gather some information first!

Check the following links about the life of Shakespeare, choose some and tag them in the picture below. You can tag freely related videos concerning his life and work.

What are some important life facts?
List some quotes from his sonnets.
List some of his plays.
What were the two major religions in Elizabethan England?
What was the Elizabethan Period?

Watch the animated video.

  1. Where does Romeo meet Juliet at first time?

  1. What is the relation between the two families?

  1. Why does Romeo get banished?

  1. What plans has Lord Capulet for his daughter?

  1. What advice does Friar Lawrence give to Juliet?

  1. What is the end of the play?

True or False?

  1. Romeo is firstly in love with Rosaline.
  2. Juliet doesn’t want to marry Romeo.
  3. Romeo kills his best friend.
  4. The nurse helps the two young lovers.
  5. The couple marries secretly.
  6. The couple leaves Verona and goes to Mantua.
  7. The prince of Verona is after Romeo.
  8. Paris is the man the Capulets want for Juliet’s husband.
  9. Both Romeo and Juliet drink the deathly poison.
  10. In the end, they both live happily ever after.

Create a timeline with the events as they take place in the video. Click here to create.
Look at this popplet and attribute characteristics to the main characters.
Now it's time to create your own version of the story turning it into a comic. Visit pixton.

What have I learnt through this quest? Find out by clicking here!

Your comics can be edited and distributed to your classmates in an e-book.

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